Iron Sharpens Iron FAQ

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By The Numbers
Some of the most Frequently Asked Questions to ISI Founder, Brian Doyle, this past year are answered in ISI By The Numbers 

1. When did this all start?   The first conferences were in the Spring of 2001. As you can see in ISI By The Numbers over 500,0000 have attended Iron Sharpens Iron! 

2. Why is it so cheap (affordable)? The conference registration is designed to be affordable for every man, thus you see the need in ISI By The Numbers to raise 50% of ministry revenue through some form of donation. If you would like to be part of funding this 50% then please pray for how much to invest and then please click here 

3. Is there an ISI for women? We have offered one conference for women for a number of years but the decision now is to bless women by continuing to offer substantial seminars for husbands as seen in  ISI By The Numbers at every Iron Sharpens Iron and to offer an ISI Marriage Conference(s) in the Fall. 

4. What is Next for Iron Sharpens Iron?  We want to offer an exceptional equipping experience for men that compliments the ministry of the local church and then come alongside each and every local church to assist them in building godly men with others in mind. 

5. How can I help? Right now you can help by making a charitable gift of $500 or $1000 or $2000 to the ministry and next month you may contact our office at and make plans to volunteer in 2019.